Yesterday was my first informal day as a student teaching and I got to learn a bit more of what goes on behind the scene. I helped out in the classroom and got to meet my cooperative teacher who was quite nice and informative. I'm both excited and nervous for this new experience but this is just one step that will take me closer to have my own classroom and students.
I will officially begin my junior practicum this upcoming Monday. My cooperative teacher asked me to write a "Meet the Student Teacher" letter , I did my search on Pinterest and went by these examples for a professional look for parents/guardians and for a fun one for the students.

You can found more tips of student teaching on this blog. Although it's dated, it has a lot of information which is something that I need.
P.S- I will be writing more about my experience as a student teacher and post more pictures in the near future !
Hope you enjoy!
Student Teaching
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