The Museum of FIT -Uniformity Exhibition

Yesterday, I attended the small exhibition at FIT that will be open until November 19,2016. It was composed of uniforms that included; military, work, school. and sport and "explores the dynamic history behind a variety of uniforms, considering their social roles and their influence on high fashion" (FIT).

Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) uniform, wool, 
leather, metallic braid, circa 1905, Scotland.

The exhibition opens with an introductory display of each category, beginning with military uniforms  and later shows dresses inspire by the soldier uniform and transform it into a high fashion dress that considers the impact of olive drabs, camouflage, and sailor suits. Later in the exhibition, you see a cross-section of police, nurse, and other service uniforms shown alongside designs Chanel and Moschino.

  Chanel, " Brasserie Gabrielle" ensemble, wool, silk, cotton
leather, fall 2015, France.

Dress with " middy" collar, cotton, circa 1895, USA.

Left: Jean Paul Gaultier, ensemble, cotton, circa 1992, France.
Right: Sacai, ensemble, cotton, silk, synthetic, spring 2015, Japan.

Left: Stan Herman, McDonald's uniform, polyester, 1976, USA.
Right: Jeremy Scott, Mochino, 2015, USA

 School Uniform, Japan.
Right: Rudi Gernreich, "Japanese Schoolgirl" ensemble, wool, fall 1967, USA.

Right: Geoggrey Beene, "football jersey" dress, silk and sequins, fall 1967, USA.

Go and enjoy this small exhibition at the FIT !


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