Classroom Jobs Tags

I think I mentioned before or did a post of a previous lesson for Sunday School a while back. So, I thought I share with you the simple classroom jobs tags I did for my kiddos. I made the file on Publisher and added a bit of color using cardstock polka dots paper from Walmart.

These classroom job tags work really great for my classroom needs and it's a simple DIY that only takes a couple of minutes. I'm still getting the hang of how to create graphics but until then, I will stick with the cutting and pasting just to bring more color into our routines.

What are some things you do for your classroom jobs and/or classroom management? I have a multi-age classroom with children between the ages of 4-10 and sometimes it can get a bit chaotic but we make it work with what we have. Let me know your tips in the comment section ! Have a great week and thank you for stopping by!


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